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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 4 No. 10 (2023): January-March 2023

The pledge without displacement as credit guarantee : An analysis of comparative law between Ecuador, Chile and Spain / p 46 - 59

April 27, 2023


The present research work concerning the law of the non-possessory pledge, where the property pledged as collateral is constituted as a pledge in "the non-possessory pledge contract" in which the assigned property or properties, whether tangible or intangible, allow to guarantee own or third party obligations, while the debtor or constituent retains the possession and use of the property pledged as collateral. This work seeks to describe the regulatory framework, applicability and comparative law of the nonpossessory pledge as a credit guarantee in Ecuador, how this figure is handled, as well as how it is used in different countries, applying a comparative law analysis between Ecuador, Chile and Spain to know its scope, scope of action and usefulness in commercial law.the research methodology is qualitative, focused on the review of legal regulations and documentary information regarding the nonpossessory pledge, through a non-experimental, cross-sectional research. The results obtained from the research show that these countries have legal regulations and handle non-possessory pledges, however Spain uses it to a greater extent. In conclusion, the non-possessory pledge poses problems in relation to legal security in relation to the need to safeguard the rights of third parties, since there is the absence of possession of the creditor since there is the possibility that the debtor can sell the property to a third party, so it is necessary to limit this security tool and necessarily be registered in a public registry that allows a claim to be made or cannot be sold to a third party. The pledges without displacement of future credits do not base their proceeding as a constitutive requirement its execution and handling in Spain is completely different from the other countries since this commercial tool has a great scope, while in Chile it is used but in spite of being different from the mortgage its handling is very similar, the same happens in Ecuador.


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  13. Decreto de 17 de junio de 1955, Reglamento de la Ley de Hipoteca Moviliaria y Prenda sin desplazamiento de posesion, Pub. L. No. 198 (1955).


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