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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Proyectos de Investigación

Vol. 2 No. 4 (2021): July-September 2021

Planning of local economic development. Case: Puebloviejo, Magdalena-Colombia / pág 125-135

October 10, 2021


Development combines economic growth, equity, sociocultural improvement, ecological sustainability, gender equity, quality and spatial balance; all this supported by a process of consultation of the various agents of a municipality with the aim of raising the quality of life of the people and families who live, work and interact in that territory. This research project analyzes the strategies implemented by the municipal government in the period 2008-2015, to promote economic development in the territory, boost the economy and improve the living conditions of its inhabitants. It focuses on knowing the existing vision of development in the municipality of Puebloviejo-Magdalena, the expectations that the community has regarding the improvement of their living conditions and the form of development planning used by the municipal government to respond to the problems of the territory; to investigate the economic development strategies that have been implemented in the municipality of Puebloviejo, in order to promote economic development in the territory, and, finally, to show the execution of projects in the municipality of Puebloviejo de Magdalena, during the period 2008-2015, that aim to promote development in the territory.


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