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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 2 No. 4 (2021): July-September 2021

Knowledge management and the need for effective qualification of employees in the business system / p´ag. 43-56

October 10, 2021


For the development of any business, human capital is fundamental in order to direct the course of operation, however, it is necessary to determine the effective qualification of workers and their contributions to the business system. In this sense, the general purpose of this research is to describe the knowledge management and the need for effective qualification of the collaborators of the organizations, especially by making an intervention in a logistics company located in the Department of Magdalena, Colombia. This is a research with a qualitative approach, descriptive type, field, with not experimental design, based on the review of some theoretical postulates. It was noted the pressing need for training of staff, by which he proposed a plan of training-training that is based from the reflections empirical of the workers themselves to meet the needs targeted under the management of the knowledge from within the organization to enable a routing renovated so that it could provide its logistics services with quality, generating economic sustainability and permanence in the market, this is your competitive advantage or the differentiating effect to which they aspire


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