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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): April-June 2021

Business growth for the economic sustainability of a jewelery business / peg. 6-27

July 8, 2021


Achieving business growth is synonymous with progress in terms of performance, product development, number of customers and market positioning. The objective of this research article is to analyze the business growth for the economic sustainability of an enterprise called Pepita Pres, located in the city of Sincelejo, Colombia. It is classified as a descriptive, field, non experimental study, with a quantitative approach; using a Likert scale questionnaire as a data collection technique. For the study of the results, the analysis of absolute and relative frequencies was used; it was found that the entity under study does not interact with retailers, distributes its products in different markets, applies technology as a complement in its activities and adds different products to its portfolio; in this way it has grown as a business. It is concluded that companies, even the smallest ones, can achieve gradual business growth, choosing and applying the most appropriate strategies according to the type of activity. The key to growth lies in the ability to develop new products, increasing the number of customers and positioning itself in the market; in such a way that it can increase its income, expand its activities, and increase its productive capacity, without the environment, gross profit margin, net profit and profitability being negatively affected in the long term; only then will companies be economically sustainable.


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