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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 4 No. 11 (2023): April - June 2023

Ecuador in the times of national / p. 60-75

August 15, 2023


Of the current generations, no one, or almost no one, knows the influence that Nazism reached in Ecuador, as well as the establishment of a large number of Germans sympathetic to the ideas coming from the National Socialist party in national territory. In the present work, the influence of the National Socialist party in Ecuador, immigration policies against the Jewish people, the media battle between sides supporting the Hitler regime and its opponents will be addressed; to conclude with the stories of diplomats who not only opposed this regime of terror, but also helped several hundred Jews escape death. The methodology of this study is based on documentary and historical research to analyze the rise of Hitler and the impact of Nazism. In this way, bibliographic sources were collected to understand the context after the First World War, making a historical analysis of the events. To do this, Hitler's speeches and his rhetoric were examined to understand his influence on the masses, in addition, the ideological bases of national Socialism and its relationship with government policies and actions are explained. Finally, the global impact of Nazism is contextualized, considering its influence in Latin America and Ecuador. The results of this research are based on the fact that, despite the need of nations for security, it is crucial to maintain compassion and avoid contempt towards migrants. In this sense, it was concluded that the emergence and devastating influence of National Socialism in history, with its persecution and genocide, highlight the importance of learning from past horrors to avoid their repetition. Likewise, it is highlighted that, in Latin America, and very particularly in Ecuador, the migration policies and ideological tensions of the past are still present today, especially in situations of mass migration.


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