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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 4 No. 11 (2023): April - June 2023

The inequity, inequality and discrimination in the entry requirements to the Armed Forces of Ecuador / p. 24-42

July 30, 2023


This article deals with the evolution of women's participation in the armed forces of Ecuador, focusing on the liberal period led by General Eloy Alfaro. It also highlights the importance of the gender perspective in the armed forces and presents examples of progress in other uniformed bodies, such as the National Police. In this context, the methodology used includes a qualitative approach with a non-experimental, descriptive-level design. The method used in the study is the comparative historical one, which seeks to obtain a detailed and accurate understanding of the phenomenon under study by comparing historical facts that have influenced the topic. The results show that affirmative measures have been implemented to promote gender equality and allow women to exercise administrative and strategic roles in the armed forces. Despite significant progress, the process of inclusion has not been systematic and social challenges and prejudices still persist. It is concluded that, despite the fact that the path to equal rights is not complete, there is a possibility that, in the future, military women will reach high-ranking positions and lead the Ecuadorian armed forces. In addition, there are still aspects to improve such as providing equal opportunities in the military field in economic, physical, among others


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