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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 3 No. 8 (2022): July-September 2022

Extinction of the right to maintenance in the emancipated adolescent and its social and economic implications / p. 64-91

December 21, 2022


The Ecuadorian justice system has a rule that considers the legal emancipation of adolescents as a cause for the extinction of the right to food; therefore, it is necessary to propose a Preliminary Bill Reforming the Organic Code of Childhood and Adolescence, which guarantees the right to a Good Life of the alimentant. The objective of this article is to analyze the extinction of the right to food in the emancipated adolescent and its social and economic implications; based on concepts and criteria related to the aspects of the right to food of children and adolescents in front of the rights to a Good Life that the alimentant has. It is a research with non-experimental design, of descriptive level; whose central research method is analytical. A documentary investigation was carried out on the violation of the right to a good life of the alimentante; in addition, a survey-like instrument was designed as a data collection technique. The results analyze the problem of feeders who must cancel alimony despite the fact that the fed are emancipated adolescents, with the main purpose of providing information that guides possible legal reforms. It is concluded that the right to food must be totally inviolable; since it is indispensable to subsist and guarantee life itself; however, there are young people who declare themselves legally emancipated, and become beings capable of supporting themselves by their own means. Therefore, reforms in the law are required so that the granting of food to the emancipated is legalized, clearly establishing it within a legal framework.


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