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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 3 No. 7 (2022): Abril-Junio 2022

The Financial education within the family economy of district 1 of the Municipality of Sacaba - Bolivia

July 31, 2022


Currently, financial literacy has become a fundamental tool for managing and protecting family finances, which is generally transmitted through the praxis, on the part of parents to children, relatives who are in the environment of minors and formal education through higher education units established in the environment. Following these guidelines, the research paper describes and analyzes the characteristics of financial education within the family economy of District 1 of the Municipality of Sacaba-Bolivia. For the realization of this study, the quantitative method has been used, oriented to extend descriptive results, proceeding to the collection of numerical data through statistical techniques and mathematics that allow establishing numerical measurement to discover events through research questions in the process of study development. The information was obtained through simple observation, the survey and the review of articles. In this way, from the application of data collection instruments, important findings have been reached that allow establishing the relationships of culture and patterns about money with financial education within the family economy of District 1 of the Municipality of Sacaba. In conclusion, the influence of mental patterns on money, as well as family financial culture and lack of formal financial education, are fundamental factors that directly influence the low family financial education of people living in District 1 of the Municipality of Sacaba.


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