Accounting practices of the active element based on international financial reporting standards in companies in the commercial sector of the city of Sincelejo / peg. 107-124
Doctor in Management Sciences with Post-Doctorate in Management of Organizations, Master in Business Management, Mention in Operations Management, Public Accountant, Teacher and Researcher of the Antonio José de Sucre University Corporation (CORPOSUCRE) and the University of Sucre (UNISUCRE), Sincelejo, Colombia.
In Colombia, after the enactment of a Law accountant to facilitate the approach of colombian law to the accounting system international, was not given the proper disclosure to the need of migration of the accounting system traditional to International Financial reporting Standards (IFRS, IFRS), and thus there are still doubts on the part of the guild of accountants, entrepreneurs, and others, with regard to the process in which you are mired for your application, binding, it becomes interesting to this project, with the purpose of analyzing the accounting practices of the active element based on the international financial reporting standards in the business sector of the city of Sincelejo, with the understanding that the Colombian business system had to migrate to this accounting model in order to generate quality information according to the parameters established in the international standard. The present research is characterized by presenting a not experimental, field design; with a descriptive type of study. As sources of collection of primary data was designed and implemented an instrument, modality questionnaire, directed to the subjects responsible for the accounts of companies observed, as well as, the outstanding entrepreneurs; secondary sources were represented by consultation of books, scientific articles, and specialized databases, with the goal of obtaining information of the reality to consider. It is expected to show how it has carried out the process of implementation of International Standards of Financial reporting (IFRS) in the business sector of the city of Sincelejo, as well as the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of certain items of the financial statements in reports generated by the accounting system.
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