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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): April-June 2021

Indicators for the analysis of inflationary financial statements / peg. 52-76

July 8, 2021


Inflation is a phenomenon that alters financial
information. The purpose of this article is to analyze
the inflation indicators used for the analysis of the
restated financial statements. A documentary
descriptive research was carried out to know and
analyze the range of inflation indicators that exist and
can be applied from financial statements that are
already adjusted due to inflationary effects; and then
we present examples with hypothetical figures where
inflation indicators are calculated in order to know the
interpretation that should be given to each of them. It
is based on the theories of IAS 29 and Catácora
(2000). The results indicate that, to calculate the
inflation indicators, the financial statements must
already be restated and it is essential to separate
monetary assets and liabilities from non-monetary
ones, to know the amount of equity composed of nonmonetary items and the monetary result of the year,
which can be monetary gain or loss. In addition, total
net income, gross margin, operating income and net
result at the end of the financial period are required
for calculation. It is concluded that, when an entity
presents figures in inflationary economies, the
analysis and interpretation must be elaborated based
on restated figures, in order to be valid from the
economic and financial point of view. In addition,
there are inflation indicators applicable to the
statement of financial position and other derivatives
of the income statement; both allow to know the
economic-financial situation of an entity in inflationary
times in order to make sound decisions.


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