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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 5 No. 16 (2024): July-September 2023

Indicators in inflation according to the type of financial statement : a differential study / p. 72-86

December 30, 2024


Inflation is a macroeconomic variable that has a negative impact on the financial information of companies, influencing the decision-making process, therefore the purpose of the research is to know the inflation indicators that can be applied to the statement of financial situation and the state. of results; and their differences; highlighting the usefulness of each of them. Descriptive documentary research was carried out, taking into account the postulates of the International Accounting Standard 29, Chillida (2005) and Catácora (2000). The results show the identification of two groups of inflation indicators to be used from the statement of financial position and those corresponding to the income statement; Furthermore, their differences lie in the types of accounts that are used in the calculation of the indicators and in what each one aims to measure.  It is concluded that, when an entity operates within an inflationary environment, the analysis and interpretation of the financial statements must be carried out based on figures already updated for the effects of inflation, considering both accounts of the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Income. restated.


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