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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 5 No. 16 (2024): July-September 2023

Play activities in meaningful learning in students with practognostic dyscalculia / p.19-44

November 28, 2024


This research work focuses on the influence of play activities in the meaningful learning of children diagnosed with practognostic dyscalculia, a condition that hinders the understanding of mathematical concepts. The topic is relevant since dyscalculia represents a significant challenge in the educational field and the aim is to explore strategies that facilitate the learning of these students. The main objective is to analyze the effectiveness of play activities to improve mathematical skills and foster an inclusive learning environment. The methodology employed is qualitative, with a quasi-experimental design that includes direct observation in the classroom and data collection from a purposive sample of 30 elementary school students. The results indicate that play activities not only increase students' motivation and interest, but also facilitate the understanding of abstract concepts through hands-on experience. A significant improvement in children's academic performance in mathematics was observed, as well as an increase in their participation and engagement during the activities. In conclusion, the importance of implementing playful methodologies in the teaching of mathematics for students with dyscalculia is reaffirmed, as these strategies not only address their specific difficulties, but also promote more dynamic and accessible learning, benefiting all students in the classroom. This inclusive approach is fundamental to improving educational quality and ensuring that every child has the opportunity to reach his or her full potential


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