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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 5 No. 15 (2024): April-June 2024

Student perception in relation to the use of the E-Campus virtual platform from the perspective of the technology acceptance model / P. 43- 57

September 16, 2024


Today, the educational environment has been significantly transformed due to the rapid advancement of technology. The integration of virtual platforms has given students and educators the opportunity to access educational resources more efficiently and flexibly. This article studies, from a quantitative approach, the use of E-Campus, which is an interface adapted based on the Moodle platform that includes adjustments consistent with the needs and particularities of educational demand at the San Francisco Xavier University of Chuquisaca. Bolivia. The research carries out an analysis based on the experience of using the platform by students of the Business Administration Degree during the regular school period 2024 corresponding to this academic unit dependent on the aforementioned University. The results show that this educational resource has been incorporated into all academic units that belong to the university under study, with the aim of improving the learning process and promoting interaction between students and teachers in virtual environments. Therefore, the use of virtual platforms in higher education has an evident potential to democratize access to knowledge and to enrich the educational process through flexibility and pedagogical innovation. It is concluded that virtual education should not be taken as a temporary solution or as a complete replacement for face-to-face education, but as a powerful complementary tool that, used well, can enrich and expand educational possibilities in the university environment.


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