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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 5 No. 15 (2024): April-June 2024

Organizational change management through technological innovation processes: A bibliometric study / p. 5-23

September 1, 2024


The study focuses on exploring management strategies for organizational change, highlighting the need for effective strategies for growth and competitiveness at a global level. The literature highlights the importance of leveraging international sources of knowledge for business innovation and organizational resilience. The relevance of technological innovation and digital transformation is emphasized as key factors for organizational success. In addition, it is mentioned that organizations with flexible structures and collaborative cultures have a greater chance of success in cluster environments. The study highlights the importance of a holistic approach to change management, integrating internal and external aspects, and the need to foster an organizational culture that promotes flexibility and collaboration. Key factors such as top management commitment and leadership, active employee participation, and proper management of resistance to change are identified for a successful transformation. The article also highlights the importance of cultural change management and adaptation of the organizational structure to support and make the most of technological innovations. Finally, practical recommendations are presented based on proven principles and global best practices to strengthen the adaptive capacity of organizations in a constantly evolving business environment


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