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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 5 No. 14 (2024): January-March 2024

Artificial intelligence in pedagogical subjects that assist university teaching processes

August 4, 2024


The article analyzes the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education, particularly in the Public Accounting career at the San Francisco Xavier University of Chuquisaca and how it can transform the teaching and learning processes, improve the quality of education and prepare future professionals for the challenges of the current labor market. The study focuses on describing how artificial intelligence in pedagogical matters assists teachers in university teaching processes, answering the question about how these technological tools can transform learning in a positive way, strengthening creativity, critical thinking and cognitive skills, facilitating the different classroom tasks of the academic program. This is a qualitative study using an analytical, subjectivist inductive method, with a non-experimental transectional design. It is based on a documentary review of literature on artificial intelligence in education and field observation, and uses in-depth interviews as an instrument to capture the experiences of teachers. The results show that teachers perceive artificial intelligence as an innovative tool that can facilitate the teaching process within the classroom as well as the comprehensive training of students with perspectives on their future work performance, however they consider that training should be carried out. constant to bring both the teacher and the student closer to the use of these new technologies and at the same time recommend that they be applied cautiously in deep respect for ethics. It is concluded that the integration of artificial intelligence in higher education presents exciting opportunities to improve the quality and personalization of teaching and learning, but also involves significant challenges that must be addressed proactively to ensure that it benefits all students and promotes an equitable and ethical education


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