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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 3 No. 8 (2022): July-September 2022

Diagnosis of the competitive situation of the company Globalpesca S.A. through the Porter's Diamond Model before the COVID-19 pandemic / p. 92-104

August 5, 2023


The Ecuadorian fishing sector is one of the most important in the country because it provides work and sustenance to a large number of its inhabitants, becoming the cornerstone of the country's food security. The purpose of this article is to diagnose the competitive situation of the company Globalpesca S.A. through the Porter's Diamond Model, based on the internal and external situation of the company before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. From the methodological point of view, the present has a non-experimental design and is of a descriptive level. The results show that Globalpesca S.A. shows no problems in terms of its competitiveness, so the bargaining power of its customers and suppliers, the presence of substitute products, much less the entry of new competitors into the market does not pose a threat to it; however, the presence of rivalries between sectoral competitors is noticeable. It is concluded that, it is normal within the fishing sector the presence of sectoral competitors that are aware of the activities carried out by their opponents, after all, each company seeks its own interests that bring it the most profits; in fact, such rivalry is acceptable when it does not negatively affect competition, the community, or the ecosystem.


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  4. Michael Porter, La Ventaja Competitiva de las Naciones.(Buenos Aires: Editorial Vergara, 1991) p.210
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