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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 4 No. 10 (2023): January-March 2023

Economic growth and its relationship with higher education in Nicaragua / Pág. 29-45

July 26, 2023


Economic growth is one of the objectives of economic policy due to its significance in improving the living standards of individuals in a society. There are different economic theories that seek to explain this or, in most cases, recognize the factors that determine it, it is there that the participation of Nelson and Phelps (1996) stands out, who relate economic growth to the human capital that accumulates in a nation, affirming that education allows an economy to develop innovative projects that translate into new energizing activities, products for entrepreneurship and updated technology for the dissemination of it in the production areas. Based on this contribution, the present research determines the relationship of the nominal GDP of Nicaragua with the number of students enrolled in the national higher education system and the public expenditure per student that is executed in the period 2006-2020; to achieve it, the behavior of the variables under study is described and an econometric multiple linear regression model is estimated through the Ordinary Least Squares method. The research is quantitative, with a correlational approach and a non-experimental design, since the variables are used as they are published in the Yearbooks of the Central Bank of Nicaragua. The estimated model meets the assumptions of the Classical Linear Regression Model and it is concluded that there is a positive relationship between economic growth and higher education in Nicaragua.


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