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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 3 No. 9 (2022): October-December 2022

El The economic right of resource redistribution applied to the growth of the provinces of Ecuador / p. 28-40

February 23, 2023


In Ecuador, the Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GAD) of the twenty-four provinces receive a budgetary allocation from the Central Government in consideration of the extension of their territory and number of inhabitants, in order to cover the basic needs of services to their inhabitants and activities prone to development. Due to the fact that there are provinces that receive a lower allocation of resources compared to the more developed provinces; this study analyzes the economic right of resource redistribution applied to the growth of the provinces of Ecuador. This research has a quantitative approach and is framed in the line of private law and the market economy; it is descriptive and deductive inference. The data were obtained in a documentary, bibliographic and jurisprudential way. Considering that economic law is a set of legal principles and norms that regulate human cooperation in the activities of creation, distribution, exchange and consumption of wealth generated by an economic system, the results analyze the generation of average income of the population and poverty levels, to infer whether a redistribution of public resources to the poorest provinces of Ecuador, can generate economic growth under a development regime that is inclusive, equitable and supportive. It is concluded that the policies applied in Ecuador should focus on the equitable redistribution of economic resources in different provinces to generate well-being and a better quality of life for the population


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