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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Inaugural Issue

Investment management in inflationary scenarios in construction companies in the oil sector / p. 37-54

December 10, 2020


The general purpose of this research was to analyze the investment management in inflationary scenarios in construction companies in the oil sector located in the state of Zulia. Based on the authors Delgado (2012), Brito (2012), Mokate (2008), Copeland, Koller and Murrin (2010), Schermerhorn (2011), among others. To achieve this objective, a study was developed with an explanatory type methodology with a non-experimental design-transectional or cross-sectional field. The population was made up of three (03) companies. As a data collection technique, a multiple-choice questionnaire consisting of 33 items was applied, being validated and reliable. The results allowed to conclude that the strategies to be used are changing depending on the opportunities presented for investment, all under preventive criteria. Therefore, it was concluded that these observed companies required financial evaluation, to specify the benefit of their operation. It was recommended, the application of financial studies to the behavior of the decisions made in management.


  1. Brito José. (2012). Contabilidad Financiera. Segunda edición. Ediciones Centro de contadores. Caracas. Venezuela.
  2. Copeland Frederick, Koller Uriel y Murrin Joss (2010). Principios de administración financiera. Editorial Pearson Prentice hall. México.
  3. Delgado Carlos. (2012) Administración estratégica Y Política de Negocios. Décima edición. Pearson Educación.
  4. Gordon Eli (2011). Principios y teorías de las finanzas en las inversiones financieras. Editorial LIVEN Editores, C.A. Caracas. Venezuela
  5. Mokate Karen. (2010). Evaluación financiera de proyectos de inversión. Segunda edición. Ediciones UNIANDES. Mérida. Venezuela.
  6. Sanromá Gad (2010). La planeación estratégica. Cuarta Edición. Editores Vadel Hermanos. Caracas. Venezuela.
  7. Schermerhorn Alfonso. (2011). Medios estratégicos de financiación operativa. 1era edición. Editorial Ra-ma. Madrid. España.


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