This work aims to make an approximation to the reality of people in a situation of mobility, specifically in the southern border of Ecuador, as a result of the Venezuelan diaspora caused by the political, social and economic crisis of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, facing its background and the response of international organizations. In this context, a review of the international instruments for the protection of people in situations of mobility is carried out, together with a brief recount of the public policies developed by the Ecuadorian State to face the drama represented by the massive presence of Venezuelan citizens, especially children, girls and adolescents, hereinafter NNA, at the borders. This research has a qualitative approach and is documentary descriptive, using descriptive observation and published literature on human mobility issues as information techniques. The results show that the excessive Venezuelan migration exceeded the attention capacity of Ecuador and the other receiving states, it is also evident, the lack of public policies of integral protection with emphasis on vulnerable groups and the difficulties to avoid tensions between the local population. and people on the move. The work concludes with a reflection on the obligation of the Ecuadorian State to protect, respect, guarantee and promote the rights of this doubly vulnerable priority attention group, due to their age and mobility conditions. In addition, the challenges that Ecuador has to narrow the existing gap between the formality of the law and the materiality of the rights are identified, emphasizing the need to integrate the migrant population and improve the living conditions of the local population, to create spaces for peaceful coexistence.
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