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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador


Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Inaugural Issue

Presentation of the Magazine Mundo Financiero of the INDECSAR Group / p. 1-16

December 10, 2020


Research, development and training in scientific articles represent the core activities of the INDECSAR Group, who have devised the Mundo Financiero Magazine as an academic space to publish scientific research. The purpose of this article is to publicize the activities of the aforementioned Group; as well as, to present the Magazine Mundo Financiero. It begins by explaining the objectives, mission and vision of INDECSAR; followed by a brief description of Mundo Financiero Magazine, and its editorial policies. This article is also an invitation to disclose or disseminate new knowledge in areas such as: Economics, Accounting, Management, Engineering, Business, International Trade, Business Management and Finance, and any other area analogous; in a Magazine designed specifically for that purpose, namely, Financial World. It is concluded that knowing how to disseminate and disseminate the results of scientific research is a way to manage the knowledge acquired and contribute to the growth of science, especially in the economic and financial field.


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