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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador


Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021): Octubre-Diciembre 2021

Main positions of scientific thought in the social and human sciences / pág. 1-7

January 20, 2022


Knowledge is recognized as an action of man, which is developed consciously and intentionally, with the purpose of apprehending the qualities of the object and what is related to the subject, who understands himself as the one who knows, and his way of thinking is evolving. In terms of research, the process of the methodology to be used facilitates the use and selection of the most appropriate method, since it allows the analysis of the research, even if it generates not only advantages but also limitations. The aim is to describe the different positions of thought of a researcher according to the object investigated. The methodology was descriptive, documentary, and not experimental. It seeks to show the different approaches that can be presented in the social sciences when dealing with the various problematic possibilities that surround man as part of society. Therefore, the proper management of the researcher’s thinking facilitates the generation of correct answers regarding a study hypothesis, so it is important to know theories and their evolution over time.


  1. Bernal, C. (2015). Modelos de investigación. 4ta edición. Editorial Limusa. Distrito Federal, México
  2. García, M. (2017). Técnicas de investigación. Tercera edición. Editorial NETBIBLO. Madrid, España.
  3. Rodríguez, E. (2017). Metodología de la investigación. Tercera edición. ECOE Ediciones. Bogotá.


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