Doctor in Management Sciences with a Postdoctorate in Management of Organizations, Magister Scientiarum in Business Management Mention: Financial Management. Higher education specialist. Public accountant. Teacher and researcher at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels at the Universidad del Zulia and the Universidad Rafael Urdaneta. Venezuela
The financial review of monetary funds to invest in companies, is an important aspect of management review, where the intention is to create financial value, based on the business decisions of a certain organization, therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze hedge funds and financial value in Vehicle telemetry companies in the Municipality of Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia. The methodology that was applied was descriptive, whose design was field, not experimental, and longitudinal; the population was the management and administration of the sector studied; to whom an unstructured interview was applied, which was validated by experts. A statistical analysis was applied to the data according to the findings. The results explain that the management of the measurement of investment funds is inadequate, which affects the operations of the companies studied; since they did not have appropriate criteria to generate value. Hence, it was concluded that, due to the vulnerable economy of the country, there is a financial out of control, which prevents the objective application of effective decisions in operational investments.
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