Power in the field of political economy is seen as the control, appropriation of wealth and the means of production. In it converges a complex game of relationships and interests oriented to business, agreements and strategic alliances, between companies, corporations and governments. In this study, big businesses are considered, power elites organized through business associations, among which are mentioned, oil, drugs, weapons and drugs. In this sense, the objective of this research was to analyze the elites of economic power, through a theoretical and historical balance, within the framework of political economy. To do this, the method of qualitative documentary research was used. The results focused on situating the contributions of Krauss's theory, at the level of decision-making, power and sustainability of business, in the same way its influence on social, political and economic relations was shown, from their respective capacities in the international system. It is concluded that the sustainability strategy of the power elites, are related to the adaptability of the evolution of society, the speed of change and technological advances; as alternative ways to generate income according to the licit or illicit nature of each business.
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