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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): April-June 2021

Environmental racism: Social reflections to consider by governments state and corporate / peg. 77-91

July 8, 2021


Environmental racism is an expression used to refer to
environmental injustices, applied to ethnic minorities
highly exposed to toxic pollutants, and who are denied
access to vital natural resources such as clean air,
drinking water, and even food. This article analyzes
environmental racism as a global problem, providing
social reflections to be considered by state and
corporate governments. It is an analytical-reflective
research, which is based on the opinion of other
researchers, taken from scientific articles in digital
journals and from documents and reports published by
international organizations, referring to environmental
racism and the defense of human rights. The analysis
shows that environmental racism affects Afrodescendant, indigenous and dark black populations,
within the classification of Latin American mestizaje; as
well as the poorest peasants and those marginalized
by their economic situation. This article was a
reflection towards equality, where states must act
promptly, trying to focus policies and decisions
towards the benefit of human beings and the
environment; not only that of industries and


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