An information system is a set of data that interact with each other to manage, collect, retrieve, process, store and distribute important and relevant information for the essential and particular processes of each company. The purpose of this article is to analyze the SAP information system in the purchasing area of the company Cementos Catatumbo C.A. located in Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. The research was descriptive and field, with non-experimental and transectional design, representing a case study, whose reporting units were workers from the company's purchasing department. The population census is made up of 5 individuals working in the unit. A dichotomous questionnaire consisting of 12 closed-ended question items was selected and validated by an expert in the area and a specialist in research methodology; reliability was not calculated since the population consisted of less than ten subjects. In terms of the findings, it was observed that, in the shopping area of Cements Catatumbo, C. A., you may not make orders that exceed the number of digits allowed by the SAP system, as do their transactions in a foreign currency would be a figure very high product high inflation, the country currently, by which the order should be split into several parts, so that the system can perform the operation. It is concluded that a change of SAP Software packages and supports is required in the company that contain an update of its system and a correct adaptability in terms of the monetary reconversion that is established in Venezuela every certain period.
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