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  • ISSN 2773-7357
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 5 No. 16 (2024): July-September 2023

Automation of accounting processes of formal enterprises located in the Monteagudo Municipality / pág. 5 - 18

October 27, 2024


This research analyzes the automation of accounting processes in formal businesses in the municipality of Monteagudo, highlighting its importance for improving financial and operational efficiency. The main objective is to evaluate the level of adoption of accounting technologies in these businesses and their impacts. The research was conducted using a mixed-methods approach, including surveys and interviews with local entrepreneurs to diagnose the state of their accounting processes and the barriers to technology adoption. The results reveal that only 16% of the surveyed businesses use advanced technological tools to automate their accounting processes. The main barriers include a lack of interest, technical knowledge gaps among staff, and the high costs of acquiring specialized software. These obstacles align with challenges identified in other countries, where resistance to change and a lack of resources are also common limitations. Despite this, businesses that have adopted automation report significant improvements in terms of error reduction, time savings, and greater operational efficiency. Furthermore, this study shows that business size and investment capacity are key factors for the adoption of technology in Monteagudo. As businesses grow, automation becomes a fundamental necessity to maintain competitiveness and sustainability in the local market


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